
Personal Computer 3 Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
Visual Basic ProgrammingFirstComputer and Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

About the Laboratory:

Electronic Computer Lab is one of the Control and Systems Engineering laboratories and it is the place where students learn the principles of using the computer and preparing courses in the field of computer. In addition, in this lab, a course on programming language for the two programs (Visual Basic) and (C ++) is taught using computers as instructive means. Students’ projects, including pragmas design, research printing, and other activities, are also implemented in this laboratory.

Moreover, students can use the laboratory during leisure hours to acquire computer skills because of the importance of the computer in keeping with the rapid development in the field of information technology and applications in order to contribute to the achievement of a an educational and research monument, which is distinguished in its programs, educational curricula, and scientific research.

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

The laboratory has a vision to form a distinct scientific base in the field of computers associated with computer science and applications and it seeks to prepare plans for the development of staff and curricula to ensure the achievement of quality standards.

The laboratory also seeks to keep pace with the accelerated development in the field of information technology and applications to contribute to the achievement of part of them, and to be a distinct educational edifice in its programs, educational curricula and scientific research.

The computer lab seeks to prepare qualified graduates to deal with applied software and information efficiently and to provide appropriate opportunities to develop the capabilities of the community in investing the development of information technology. The Laboratory aims to:

1- Developing the level of educational services provided for the faculty members, teaching methods, training and available educational materials.

2- Employing computer science to support the scientific and educational process in the college.

3- Contributing to the service of society through the dissemination of information awareness and the provision of specialized consultations in the areas of computers.

4- Using modern and advanced techniques in training students.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameProgramming Visual Basic
StageFirst Year
BranchComputers Engineering, Control Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering
Lab GradesThe lab grades are 100%
Grade CalculationAverage Daily Exam :10%
Mid Year Exam :20%
Typical Report: 10%
Final Exam: 60%

Visual Basic Programming Experiments:

First Experiment: MS-DOS Commands


MS-DOS is a operating system that manages data, processes, command and controls programs.

Practical of Experiment

The DIR command, Make directory(MD) or (MK DIR) Change directory, Rename , Delete(DEL), Remove directory(RD) or (RMDIR), Date, Clear screen, Edited, Type, Copy.

Second Experiment: Windows O.S.


o show How the windows operating system is working and how it is different compared to Ms-DOS.

Practical of Experiment

New folder, Copy, Past, check sys. Type 32 bit or 64 bit. Wireless Network connection Bluetooth connection, Peek, Snap, Shake.


 Third Experiment: Introduction to Visual Basic.


 To show one of the high level programing language named V.B., How to be familiar with the most important tools and icons.

Practical of Experiment

Make a Simple Project


Fourth Experiment: Constants and variables


To introduce how the constants and variables have been used in the V.B with many examples.

Practical of Experiment

Make a Math Example


Fifth Experiment: Timer


To show how the timer tool could be used in V.B For different Applications.


Practical of Experiment

Timer Applications