
Microprocessors Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
MicroprocessorThirdComputer and Control Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Control Engineering

About the Laboratory:

The Microprocessor laboratory is one of the main laboratories in the department where students understand the architecture of the microprocessors leading the students to the level of practically programming this processer through various programs. These programs are then included in microprocessors reading using several experiments. In this regard, the sequence of experiments was taken into consideration to be inline with the theoretical material taken by the student in terms of the sequence of information. The main prototype which is currently adopted in the laboratory is (Microprocessor -8086) and the near future ambition is to add the prototype (Microprocessor -8386). In addition, in this lab, lectures are given to the students of the third year for all the branches (Control, Mechatronics, Computers, and Medical Systems) in a total of 8 hours per week and an average of 22 students for each class.

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

The Microprocessor Laboratory aims at providing the students with the basic principles of the microprocessor subject in terms of learning its programming and implementation on the laboratory’s devices using a set of laboratory experiments. Therefore, students are introduced to the basic concepts of microprocessors in order to prepare engineers with the required knowledge and competence to deal with these microprocessors.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameMicroprocessor
BranchComputer and Control Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, and Control Engineering
Lab GradesThe lab. grade is 20% of the theoretical material
Grade CalculationFirst semester exam: 20%
Second semester exam: 20%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
The typical report: 10%

Laboratory Experiments:

First Experiments: Introduction to the 8086 single- board microcomputer


Examine and modify information in memory

Examine and modify the contents of the registers.

Design and test simple data transfer programs.

Practical of Experiment

writing and executing a program using (SDK 8086)

Second Experiments: Binary Arithmetic


Add or subtract (16-bit) or (multi- byte) quantities.

Inspect and interpret the contents of the flag register.

Practical of Experiment

Write a program to perform multi-word subtraction by forming the (2S complement) of the subtrahend and then adding it to the minuend.

 Third Experiments: BCD Arithmetic


Use the Decimal adjust for addition (DAA) instruction & Decimal adjust for subtraction (DAS). 

Add multi-digit BCD quantities.

Practical of Experiment

executing a program for BCD addition& subtraction, multiplication and division programs.

Forth Experiments: Bit Manipulation


Use the 8086 logical instructions to set, clear, complement a number. * Use the 8086 rotate instructions to manipulate groups of bits.

Practical of Experiment

Write a program to perform the arithmetic’s by using shift instructions

Fifth Experiments: Branching and Decision- Making


Test the 8086 status flags with the conditional jump instruction.

Compare binary quantities with the comparison instructions. 

Write programs that include simple looping structures.

Practical of Experiment

Status of the (CY) and (Z) flags after executing the program.

Jump instructions program Test the 8086 status flags with the conditional jump instruction.

Compare binary quantities with the comparison instructions. 

Write programs that include simple looping structures.

 Sixth Experiments: Loop and the Loop Handling Instructions


To be familiar with the LOOP, and the LOOP Handling instructions.

Practical of Experiment

Use LOOP instruction to transfer a block of data

 Seventh Experiments: Subroutines and The stack


Explain how information is stored and retrieved from the stack.

Use the stack to link a Subroutine to its calling program.

Practical of Experiment

Execution program of the subroutine

Eighth Experiments: String handling operation


Move data from one block to a block else where in memory.

Scan a string of data elements stored in memory looking for a specific value.

compare the elements of two strings.

Practical of Experiment

Write a program to transfer a string of eight 16- bit from memory location to another load a block of memory locations count the number of elements in the string.

 Ninth Experiments: 8086 IO instructions with 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface


use the 8086 input/output instructions to control an output device (LED matrix and Seven Segment display) using 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface. I/O in the 8086microcomputer systems

Practical of Experiment

executing a program to turn on the some LEDs of the row executing a program to display some letter on 7-segment display display your name on the 7 segment display display a square on the LED matrix.