
Control Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
Control I
Control II
Control III
Computer and Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

About the Laboratory:

This laboratory aims at studying and analyzing various groups of control systems. The second stage experiments are designed to study and analyze the linear control systems in time domain as well as studying the use of the proportional – integral – derivative (PID) controller. Third-year students study the nature of linear or time-varying systems using the frequency and phase domains. The fourth stage experiments are designed to study and analyze different systems that contain some non-measurable variables. In addition, the experiments aim at designing various controllers using the method of field variables that express the system. Other classes, such as Fuzzy Logic and studying system estimator types, are also given in this laboratory within the Engineering Design subject for the fourth-year students. The laboratory provides weekly classes with a total of 16 hours per week and 15 students per class.  

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

The laboratory vision is:
1. To make the Control Laboratory within the distinguished and leading laboratories in the field of controlling various electronic systems.
2. To prepare engineering cadres capable of facing various problems and obstacles in the work field and in the control field.
The Laboratory objective is:
1. To provide students with the basics of knowledge in the process of controlling electronic systems and conducting different methods in the control process.
2. To prepare qualified engineers to build modern control algorithms.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameControl
StageSecond, Third, and Fourth
BranchComputers Engineering, Control Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering
Lab GradesThe Laboratory grade is 33% of the Laboratory subject
Grade CalculationFirst term examination: 20%
Second term examination: 20%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Typical report: 10%

Control I Experiments:

First Experiment: potentiometer


To become familiar with potentiometer characteristic and use it as an angular position transducer.

Practical of Experiment

Power supply unit, Voltmeter, Potentiometer, Resistor.

Second Experiment: Operational Amplifier


Know how operational amplifier can be used to sum inputs and scale input as a control gain.

Practical of Experiment

Power supply unit, Op Amp unit, Attenuator, Voltmeter.

 Third Experiment: First Order System Analysis


 To study open and close loop system using MATLAB.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fourth Experiment: Second Order System Analysis


To study step response of second order closed loop system and determine the dynamics characteristics Mp, Tp, Ts, Tr, es.s.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fifth Experiment: Open Loop Speed Control System


Recognize the torque/speed characteristics, established the tachogenerator scaling factor.  

Practical of Experiment

Power supply, attenuator unit, servo amplifier, DC motor, loading unit, tacho unit, voltmeter, magnetic brake.

 Sixth Experiment: Closed-Loop Speed Control System


Know how a simple closed loop control system build and work, also the effect of changing the gain and the load on the speed.

Practical of Experiment

Power supply, attenuator unit, servo amplifier, DC motor, loading unit, tacho unit. Magnetic brake, voltmeter.

Seventh Experiment: Controlling the Speed of DC Motor using PID Controller


Know how a simple PID controller work. Know the effect of changing the load on the speed.

Practical of Experiment

Power supply, attenuator unit,OP Amp unit,PID unit, servo amplifier, DC motor, tacho unit, Magnetic brake, voltmeter.

Eighth Experiment: Closed-Loop Position Control System using PI Controller


Have observed the action of a simple motor driven closed-loop position control system.

Practical of Experiment

Power supply, attenuator unit,OP Amp unit,PID unit, servo amplifier, DC motor, output potentiometer, Magnetic brake, voltmeter.

Ninth Experiment: Root-Locus


To locate the closed loop poles in s-plane, to investigate the closed loop system stability.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Tenth Experiment: Tuning Process Control


To apply Ziegler and Nichols method for tuning PID controller.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Eleventh Experiment: Transfer Function of a DC Motor


To determine the transfer function of a DC motor. Interaction between mechanical and electrical quantities of a motor.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Twelfth Experiment: Simulation of a DC Motor Position Controller


Build a DC motor and test different types of PID parameters for better response.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Control II Experiments:

First Experiment: Frequency Response Analysis


Carry out open loop frequency response test on a given system and illustrate how to find phase and gain margins using bode plot.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Second Experiment: Time and Frequency Response


Study the relation between transient and frequency response of a second order closed-loop system.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

 Third Experiment: Bode Plot


Study frequency response analysis by using bode plot algorithm and investigate closed-loop stability.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fourth Experiment: Effect of the Addition of Poles and Zeros on the Root-Locus Plot


Study effect of adding poles and zeros on the resultant output root-locus shaping, also the effect on time response.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fifth Experiment: Frequency Response Analysis using Nichols Chart


Find closed-loop frequency response using Nichols chart.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

 Sixth Experiment: Nyquist Plot from Transfer Function


Obtain Nyquist plot for a given transfer function.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Seventh Experiment: Lead Compensator


Design lead compensator for a closed-loop system.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Eighth Experiment: Lag Compensator


Design lag compensator using bode plot technique.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Ninth Experiment: Lag-Lead Compensator


Design lag-lead compensator using closed-loop system.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Tenth Experiment: PID Controller


Design PID controller for closed-loop system.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Eleventh Experiment: Lead Compensation Techniques Based on the Root-Locus Approach


Design lead compensator using Root-Locus.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Twelfth Experiment: Lag Compensation Techniques Based on the Root-Locus Approach


Design lag compensator using Root-Locus.


Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Control III Experiments:

First Experiment: Speed Control of DC Motor


Design PID controller to control the speed of DC motor.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program, power supply, interface unit, attenuator unit, pre amp, servo amp, DC motor, tachogenerator unit.

Second Experiment: Anti-Windup Design


Study the occurrence of windup in control system and design algorithm to avoid.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program, power supply, interface unit, attenuator unit, pre amp, servo amp, DC motor, tachogenerator unit.

 Third Experiment: Phase Plane Analysis


Analyzing transient response of non-linear control system through phase plane method.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fourth Experiment: State Feedback Controller Design using Pole Placement Technique


Design full state feedback control; also determine gain matrix K using pole placement technique.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.

Fifth Experiment: Observer Design Using Pole Placement Technique


Study a state feedback observer design and determine gain matrix K_e to meet the requirement.

Practical of Experiment

MATLAB program.