
Control and Systems Engineering Department Holds a Cultural Seminar Entitled (Culture of Administrative Work in Scientific Institutions)

  The Control and Systems Engineering Department, in cooperation with the Department of Student Activities held a cultural symposium entitled (The Culture of Administrative Work in Scientific Institutions) on Tuesday 28/1/2020, where Professor Dr. (Talib Mahdi Al-Sudani) gave a lecture at the symposium on the basis of dealing in administrative work and relations among employees. To serve the public interest, he stressed the necessity of upgrading the general behavior of those who work in any educational institution and that it reflects the highest values on his work and his dealings with fellow employees or students where any country cannot be built without the basis of good citizenship and a sense of responsibility and commitment to the ethics of each profession providing the maximum power in the process of construction and community service. The seminar was attended by the Head of Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Azad Raheem Kareem, the Director of Student Activities Department, and a large number of professors and employees of the university.