
Measurement and Logic Control Programmable Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
Computer and Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

About the Laboratory:

Communication laboratory is one of the specialized laboratories for students of the third stage in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering. All branches of the department use this laboratory. A set of experiments are given in this laboratory related to the Communication systems subject. These experiments include the main concepts of Communication, which are AM, FM, Phase modulation, and different applications on communication. The students perform these experiments using a special board. The student is initially given an introduction to this board and then learns how to deal with the program associated with it. Lectures are given in the laboratory with a total of 6 hours per week and an average of 24 students per class.

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

It is to make this lab one of the distinctive and pioneer labs in various electronic systems as well as preparing an engineering staff that is capable of facing various kinds of problems and engineering work obstacles.
This lab aims to:
1- Enrich the students with various sensors and transducers for feedback experiments in order to deal with them within various kinds of control systems.
2- Enabling the student to control and operate machines, instrument in a factory or facility and electrical stations automatically (automation), where the student becomes able to write various programs in digital ladder language to manage the speed control of a system using computers or any sequence process like elevators, traffic lights or transporting belts, etc. In addition, the student is trained to connect the input/output items with PLC devices in a practical way.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameInstrument
BranchControl Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering
Lab GradesThe Laboratory grade is 33% of the Laboratory subject
Grade CalculationFirst term examination: 40%
Second term examination: 40%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Typical report: 10%
Subject NamePLC
BranchComputers Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering
Lab GradesThe Laboratory grade is 33% of the Laboratory subject
Grade CalculationFirst term examination: 40%
Second term examination: 40%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Typical report: 10%

Instrument experiments:

First Experiment: Load Cell


1. Study the principle of a strain gauge
2. Study the construction of a load cell.
3. Study the characteristic of a load cell.
4. Study the transduction circuit of a load cell.
5. Study the application of a load cell.

Practical of Experiment

1. KL-68003 Load Cell with Mechanism.
2. KL-63007 Load-Cell transducer model.
3. KL-68008 weight Set 5kg.
4. DMM

Second Experiment: Thermocouple


1.Study the construction of thermocouple.
2. Study the characteristic a thermocouple.
3. Study the transduction principle of a thermocouple.
4. Study the application of a thermocouple

Practical of Experiment

1. DMM
2. Type K (CA) thermocouple
3. KL-68001 Thermostatic container
4. Thermometer
5. KL-63004 Thermocouple Transducer Module

 Third Experiment: Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)


1. Study the construction of an LVDT.
2. Study the signal conditioner for an LVDT.
3. Study the application of an LVDT.

Practical of Experiment

1. KL-61001 Trainer
2. KL-63008 LVDT
3. KL-68004 LVDT Load
4. DMM
5. Oscilloscope
6. Resistor, 220 ohms
7. LED

Fourth Experiment: Pressure Sensor


1. Understanding the construction of a pneumatic pressure sensor.
2. Study the operating principle of a pressure transducer.
3. Study the applications of a pressure transducer.

Practical of Experiment

1. DMM
2. KL-68002 Pressure Gauge
3.KL-63015 Pressure Sensor
4. KL-61001 Trainer

Fifth Experiment: Photovoltaic Cell


1. Understanding the characteristics of a photovoltaic cell.
2. Understanding the principle of photo-to-electric conversion.
3. Understanding the applications of photovoltaic cells.

Practical of Experiment

1. DMM
2. KL-68005 Lux load (with illuminometer and brightness regulator)
3. KL-61001 Trainer
4. KL-63009 Photovoltaic Transducer Module5.
5. SSC-4-923 Photovoltaic Cell

 Sixth Experiment: Linear Scale


1. Study the construction of a linear scale.
2. Understanding the operating principles of a linear scale.
3. Study the application of a linear scale in control and instrument systems

Practical of Experiment

1. Dual-Trace Oscilloscope.
2. KL-61001 Trainer.
3. KL-63011 Linear Scale Module.
4. KL-63010 Counter Module.
5. KL-68007 Linear Scale.

Seventh Experiment: Ultrasonic Transducer


1. Understanding the characteristics of ultrasonic waves.
2. Understanding the generation of ultrasonic waves and the design of the vibrators.
3. Study the transmitting and receiving of ultrasonic waves.
4. Study the applications of ultrasonic transducers in the field of incremental control and instrumentation.

Practical of Experiment

1. Dual-Trace Oscilloscope.
2. KL-61001 Trainer.
3. KL-63014 Ultrasonic Transducer Module.
4. KL.458006 Ultrasonic Experimental Table.

Eighth Experiment: V/F and F/V Converters


1. Study the conversion of a voltage-to-frequency converter.
2. Study the conversion of a frequency-to-voltage converter.
3. Study the operation of a photo encoder.

Practical of Experiment

1. KL-61001 Trainer.
2. Modules KL-63016; KL-63017.
3. KL-68009 Encoder Sensor Module.
4. CI-18001 power supply module.
5. Dual- trace oscilloscope.
6. 4 ½ – digit DMM.
7. Frequency counter.
8. Personal computer.
9. DC Power Supply.
10. Function Generator.

PLC experiments:

First Experiment: The GLOFA GM6 PLC and GMWIN PLC Programming Software Package


1. Creating a ladder program that permits the operation of the Basic PLC functions.
2. Downloading the created programs into the GM6 CPU module.
3. Running the downloaded programs on the PLC
4. Experimenting with the simple debugging facilities in the GMWIN package.

Practical of Experiment

LG GLOFA GM6 PLC + COMPUTER + various cards

Second Experiment: Converting Wiring Diagrams of Certain Controllers into Ladder Diagrams


1. Creating a ladder program to permit the operation of each of the above circuits.
2. Downloading the created programs into the GM6 CPU module.
3. Running the downloaded programs on the PLC.
4. Experimenting with the simple debugging facilities in the GMWIN package.

Practical of Experiment

LG GLOFA GM6 PLC + COMPUTER + various cards

 Third Experiment: Liquid Level Control


1. Create a ladder program permitting control of the Liquid Level.
2. Use Boolean equations.


Practical of Experiment

LG GLOFA GM6 PLC + COMPUTER + various cards

Fourth Experiment: Tea Bag Packing Inspection Line 


1. Create a ladder program permitting control of the teabag inspection line.
2. Use sequence diagram, state table, and Boolean equations.
3. Use counters and timers.

Practical of Experiment

LG GLOFA GM6 PLC + COMPUTER + various cards

Fifth Experiment: Bottling milk in diary factory


Create a ladder program to control the operation of milk bottling.

Practical of Experiment

LG GLOFA GM6 PLC + COMPUTER + various cards