
Computers Control Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
Computers ControlFourthComputer and Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

About the Laboratory:

This laboratory is associated with the subject of computer control, which is taught to students of the fourth stage in all branches of the department. The laboratory is equipped with a range of software, such as MATLAB, which is used to carry out laboratory experiments, which are conducted in the laboratory with a total of 9 hours per week and an average of 10 students per class. This laboratory aims to introduce students to the following topics:

   1. An introductory study of the MATLAB program and its applications.
   2. Studying methods of conversion between control systems for continuous and discrete times.
   3. Studying the stability analysis of digital control systems.
   4. Studying the design of digital compensation systems.
   5. Studying the discrete state space model.

In this lab, laboratory lectures are given within the engineering design subject associated with the Microcontroller PIC for the fourth stage students of the Control and the Mechatronis branches.

The laboratory helps the students of the fourth stage to accomplish their projects and apply them practically. In addition, the laboratory contributes to the manufacture of some laboratory equipment of the department and providing assistance to other departments of the university in the field of specialization.

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

The Computers Control Laboratory is specialized in training the students on how to use the computer program (MATLAB) in the applications of the computers control subject. Moreover, the lab assists in training the students on how to use the instructions of the MATLAB software and record the results and values. The result is the preparation of qualified engineers with knowledge of how to deal with different systems and control these systems using the (MATLAB) software.

The laboratory aims at:

1 – providing students with the basic principles and skills to deal with systems using the (MATLAB) program.

2 – developing these skills through the experiments offered to students by performing experiments and discussing them from scientific and engineering perspectives.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameComputers Control
BranchComputer and Control Engineering, Control Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering
Lab GradesThe Laboratory grade is 33% of the Laboratory subject
Grade CalculationFirst term examination: 20%
Second term examination: 20%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Typical report: 10%

Laboratory Experiments:

First Experiment: Introduction MATLAB Programming and Simulink


The Objectives of this Experiment is to study the use of mat lab programs for matrix manipulations and also ,to study, some of the matlab. facilities of control toolbox and Simulink.

Practical of Experiment

Using Matlab Programs.

Find the transfer functions.

Then draw unit step response ,root locus plot , Bode plot , Nyquist plot.

Second Experiment: Conversions between Continuous and Discrete time control Systems.


To study the Conversions from Continuous System to discrete System

To study the Conversions from discrete System to Continuous System

To study the effect of changing the Conversions method upon the transient response of the System

To study the effect of changing the sampling time upon the transient response of the System

Practical of Experiment

Using Mat lab Programs

Converting the systems from either continuous to discrete or from discrete to continuous with different sampling time and conversion methods

 Third Experiment: Design of digital PID controller


To study the Design of digital ,PI and PID controllers To study the compensation of external disturbances using digital controller

Practical of Experiment

Using Mat lab Programs

Using digital PID controller with discrete form of the system and tuning the PID controller three parameters, with applying the close loop system using SIMULINK

Fourth Experiment: Stability Analysis of Digital System


To study the Stability Analysis of discrete System Using the locations of poles

The use of Root locus in the Stability Analysis of discrete System

Practical of Experiment

Using Mat lab Programs

Check the stability of the discrete system from the root locus with taking different sampling time

Fifth Experiment: Design of Digital Compensator using Root Locus Method


To Design of Digital Compensator using Root Locus Method.

To study the effect of moving the location of poles in the Compensator.

Practical of Experiment

Using Mat lab Programs

Obtain the required gain from the root locus in order to reach a specific damping factor or natural frequency or both for either continuous or discrete Systems.

 Sixth Experiment: Digital State – Space model


To study how to converts transfer function to State – Space representation. To converts continuous State – Space to Digital State – Space model.

Practical of Experiment

Using Mat lab Programs.

Find the state space from the discrete transfer function.

Find the state space from the state space matrices (A, B, C, D).