
A Seminar Entitled “Developments of Cellular Networks: Horizons and Applications”

   On Sunday, the 5th of May 2019, the Control and Systems Engineering Department held a scientific seminar entitled “Developments of Cellular Networks: Horizons and Applications” in the Networks Laboratory. This seminar was delivered and supervised by Lect. Dr. Qusay Fadhel Hasan and Lect. Dr. Yaser Nabeel Ibrahem along with two other professors from the United Kingdom, namely, Dr. Laith Abdullah Al-Jubory and Dr. Omar Younis Qasim, who delivered the lecture directly through the Internet using the Skype. In this seminar, several topics were reviewed, such as mobile phone technology through decades and how cellular communication networks were transformed from conventional communications networks to sophisticated and complex computer networks to meet the increasing demand for data transmission and processing. In this context, remote lectures were a unique means of exchanging information among specialists despite the large distance. Therefore, the arrangement of such seminars or lectures increases the horizons of the Iraqi researcher. The seminar was attended by several academic staff members and students of the department and the audience interacted by asking several questions that were answered by the lecturers.