
Computer Networks Lab.

Materials of studyStageBranch
Networks Lab
VHDL and FPGA Designs
Computers Engineering

About the Laboratory:

The Networks Lab is concerned with teaching fourth-year students of the Computer Branch to establish and use computer networks and the Internet in a wired and wireless manner. The laboratory contains an internal network that connects all the computers in it, allowing students to carry out experiments related to this field, as well as the existence of various network and wireless communication devices, which gives students a broad theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of networks.

The Vision and the Objectives of the laboratory

 That students have the ability to get acquainted with the basic concepts in the field of computer technology in general and in computer communication networks, especially through preparing qualified technical engineers and providing technical and practical advice in the field of specialization and working on community service. The laboratory aims to:

• Providing engineers with the basic principles of computer networks through the devices used through a group of laboratory experiments.

• Preparing a staff of technical engineers with a level of understanding and knowledge capable of dealing with computer network systems

• Focusing on the practical side and giving it a lot of attention by providing the laboratory in terms of equipment and software to ensure that engineers have sufficient experience to enter the labor market.

Laboratory Information:

Subject NameNetworks Lab
BranchComputers Engineering
Lab GradesThe maximum score of the laboratory is 100 %, which is distributed as
Grade CalculationFirst semester exam: 20%
Second semester exam: 20%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Model report: 10%
Subject NameVHDL and FPGA Designs
BranchComputers Engineering
Lab GradesThe maximum score of the laboratory is 100 %, which is distributed as
Grade CalculationFirst semester exam: 20%
Second semester exam: 20%
Daily effort: 25%
Reports: 25%
Model report: 10%

Experiments of Computer Networks:

First Experiment: Design and implementation of a peer to peer Lan architecture


To design the procedure of building a network through hardware and software and learn the method of installation lan topology.

Practical of Experiment

1-Point To Point LAN.

A-Software Design

B-Hardware Design

2-Star Network Topology

A-Software Design

B-Hardware Design

Second Experiment: Wireless Network For Home Application


To Learn The Following :

• Applications Of Wireless LAN

• Various Components In Wireless Network

• Different Wireless LAN Topology

• Wireless Network Design Strategies

• Wireless Network Installation

Practical of Experiment

1-Ad Hoc Mode

2-Infrastructure Mode

A-Software Design

B-Hardware Design

 Third Experiment: Static Routing Algorithm


To Study The Static Routing Algorithm And How Implemented.

Practical of Experiment

Install The Router For Each Subnet Then Prepared It To Implement Routing Table Using Static Routing Algorithm.

Experiments of VHDL and FPGA Designs:

First Experiment: INTRODUCTION


Introduction to VHDL

Practical of Experiment

-creating new project in Quartus II

-pin assigment

-hardware programming.

Second Experiment : Data Flow Modeling of combinational logic


• To introduce to the data flow modeling of combination logic

• To familiarize the student with DE2 board input and output ports

Practical of Experiment

• signal declaration

• Data type

• Concurrent statements

• Arithmetic operators in VHDL

• Using leds, keys, switches, and 7-segment display of DE2 board.

 Third Experiment: Behavioural Modelling


• Basics of sequential circuit and clock

• Use of built –in clock signal in DE2 board with clock divider

• Counter

• Adding load ,reset, and updown signals to the counter

• Counter with 7-segment display

Practical of Experiment

-D flip flop
